Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The Spongers

Jim Allen & Tony Garnett. Two titans of British drama. 
Almost 4 decades on, sadly far more relevant than it should be...

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Our Day Out

"Ya know when I grow up Miss?,
Ya know if I work hard n learn how to read n that,
D'you think I'll be able to live in one o them nice places??".

Sunday, 23 August 2015

How flair is punished...

But in the pavement of the club unit
Plastic, Slime, Partitions, Cocktail, Zig-Zag, Tudor Bar
Pat McGatt. Pat McGatt, the very famous sports reporter is
A mate of ours reckons this tremendous pop video shows how Turf Moor was once an overlooked brutalist masterpiece. He's got a point. 

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Chasing Ghosts

".....the prestige of Missile Command is a lot greater because it's a macho game.....It has a lot of paramilitary association.....It has a lot of phallic association.....like a missile is like a penis ya know.....there's a lot of penis envy involved.....I wouldn't play a Candy-Ass game like Pac-Man - that's for girls and chumps....."

Sunday, 26 July 2015

The Fishing Party

Anyone who's seen 'Kes' (and who hasn't?), can testify as to the 
comedic genius of Brian Glover. Considering his limited screen time, his
 impact in the Ken Loach classic is beyond question. 
Well, rejoice already, cos he's in 'The Fishing Party' from start to finish. Like so 
many A-Grade TV Plays from that era, this is criminally unknown - part 
of a trilogy featuring 'Shakespeare or Bust' (to be featured soon), and 
the more obscure 'Three for the Fancy' (a fine range of swaps, 0282 goodies
 and reasonable moolah for anyone with a decent copy of this). There's 
more to it than belly laughs though, with a nice line in social 
aspiration and class portrayal to boot. "We want to be out of sight of 
land, fisherman", proclaims an intoxicated Glover en route to the cod. 
And they are. Enjoy....

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Time Off for a start.

A short for starters then.
Not too much to say about this other than it's most excellent. That, and it features one of our local heroes in (a very young) Ian Martindale. Fellow of Tiger Tails. Lee Perry aficionado. Sound bloke. Enjoy...